. "Kamod"@fr . . "sigcomm.org"@fr . "Shaw"@fr . . "Dunkels"@fr . "Hojung"@fr . "Hui"@fr . "Muhammad Omer"@fr . "Thiemo"@fr . "Shin"@fr . "GAUGER"@fr . "INFOCOM 2002. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Proceedings. IEEE"@fr . . "liteos.net"@fr . . . . . "TinyOS: An Operating System for Sensor Networks"@fr . "Brief Description of the Family of IEEE 1451 Standards"@fr . "10416184"^^ . . . "181927711"^^ . . . "ERIKA"@fr . "Phani"@fr . "Kheng Tan"@fr . "Annie"@fr . "Lien sur le site RETOS"@fr . . . "Barr\u00E8re"@fr . "Zhifan"@fr . "State of the Art in Wireless Sensor Networks Operating Systems: A Survey"@fr . "E."@fr . "G."@fr . "Les syst\u00E8mes d\u2019exploitation pour capteur en r\u00E9seau (not\u00E9s \u00E9galement WSN) sont des syst\u00E8mes d'exploitation embarqu\u00E9s au sein de capteurs en r\u00E9seau (le plus souvent des r\u00E9seaux sans fil). Un capteur en r\u00E9seau (qu'on retrouve dans les publications scientifiques sous le terme anglais mote) est un ensemble d\u2019\u00E9l\u00E9ments \u00E9lectroniques de taille r\u00E9duite, compos\u00E9 essentiellement d'un d\u00E9tecteur, d'un microcontr\u00F4leur, d\u2019une batterie, d'un \u00E9metteur-r\u00E9cepteur et d'une antenne. Un capteur assure trois fonctions : capter une donn\u00E9e, la traiter et renvoyer une information relative \u00E0 la donn\u00E9e au gestionnaire du r\u00E9seau. Les donn\u00E9es sont des grandeurs physiques de l'environnement dans lequel se trouve le capteur. L'int\u00E9r\u00EAt de la configuration en r\u00E9seau est de capter un grand nombre de donn\u00E9es afin d'alimenter une application. L'application r\u00E9agit en fonction des donn\u00E9es remont\u00E9es par les capteurs et informe sur un changement d'\u00E9tat de l'environnement surveill\u00E9. Un capteur a une dur\u00E9e de vie limit\u00E9e par sa batterie. Le r\u00E9seau de capteurs doit \u00EAtre r\u00E9silient pour compenser la fin de vie de chaque capteur. Les syst\u00E8mes d'exploitation pour capteurs en r\u00E9seau sont sp\u00E9cifiquement con\u00E7us pour optimiser l'usage des ressources mat\u00E9rielles limit\u00E9es dont ils disposent : peu de m\u00E9moire RAM, une vitesse de traitement processeur faible et peu d'\u00E9nergie \u00E9lectrique. De nombreux syst\u00E8mes d'exploitation sp\u00E9cialis\u00E9s existent, parmi lesquels : Contiki, ERIKA Enterprise, Nano-RK, TinyOS, MantisOS, RETOS, Senses, Cormos, LiteOS, NanoQplus."@fr . "Sukwon"@fr . "inTech"@fr . "ewsn.org"@fr . "mantisos.org"@fr . "Julian W."@fr . . "10422644"^^ . . "ARVENI"@fr . "616"^^ . . "Le site de la conf\u00E9rence SenSys"@fr . "IEEE Sensors Council"@fr . "evidence.eu.com"@fr . . "Arora"@fr . "Syst\u00E8me d'exploitation pour capteur en r\u00E9seau"@fr . . "Le site de Contiki"@fr . . . . "Brian"@fr . . "Xin"@fr . "L\u2019institut de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement"@fr . . "IEEE P1451 Draft Standard for a Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators"@fr . . "Lien sur Arveni s.a.s. : Capteur sans fil, aliment\u00E9 par pi\u00E9zo\u00E9lectricit\u00E9"@fr . "Broad"@fr . "Liqian"@fr . "G Ashok"@fr . "Kwangyong"@fr . "D"@fr . "Gao"@fr . "Rapid Detection of Rare Geospatial Events: Earthquake Warning Applications"@fr . . . "Gronvall"@fr . . "Hui"@fr . "2011-11-26"^^ . "519"^^ . "IEEE"@fr . "Persaud"@fr . "Adam"@fr . . "SENSORCOMM"@fr . "Declarative Tracepoints: A Programmable and Application Independent Debugging System for Wireless Sensor Networks"@fr . "Pham"@fr . "8613362"^^ . "Bjorn"@fr . . "Trumpler"@fr . "Kim"@fr . "Park"@fr . . . "Mobile-relay Forwarding in Opportunistic Networks"@fr . "Luo"@fr . "Hill"@fr . "Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA {agr, rahulm, raj}ece.cmu.edu"@fr . "TinyOS documentation."@fr . "Operating Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey Technical Report"@fr . "Lay-Ekuakille"@fr . "Olson"@fr . "Telos: Enabling Ultra-Low Power Wireless Research"@fr . . . "Igloo White"@fr . . "Le site la conf\u00E9rence SENSORCOMM"@fr . . "561"^^ . "Ranjana R."@fr . . . "Wang"@fr . . "Distributed and Object Systems Lab Department of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India - 600036"@fr . . "Gruenwald"@fr . . "SenSysLink"@fr . "719"^^ . . . "Shah"@fr . . . . . . . . "Le site la conf\u00E9rence IEEE Sensors Council"@fr . "Ramnath"@fr . . . . "Mallikarjuna"@fr . "Joel"@fr . "A Framework for Low-Power IPv6 Routing Simulation, Experimentation, and Evaluation"@fr . . . "12242227"^^ . "Embedded sensor networked operating system"@fr . . "CormosLink"@fr . "Chun"@fr . . "Medium access control with a dynamic duty cycle for sensor networks"@fr . . "ics.forth.gr"@fr . . "Le site du Manuel en ligne Contiki 2.1"@fr . . . "LiteOSLink"@fr . "10.1145"^^ . . "Eric Brewer"@fr . "Eriksson"@fr . "Barr\u00E8re"@fr . "Erico"@fr . "nano-os.tistory.com"@fr . "ge.geglobalresearch.com"@fr . "iaria.org"@fr . "Communications of the ACM"@fr . "Chapter 22 : Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks"@fr . "Operating Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey"@fr . "Th."@fr . "Le site de MantisOS"@fr . . . . . . "Kim"@fr . . . "Perena"@fr . "juin"@fr . "Qiang"@fr . "Feng"@fr . "Fredrik"@fr . "The nesC Language : A Holistic Approach to Networked Embedded Systems"@fr . "SENSES"@fr . "Huali"@fr . "682"^^ . . "CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Sensors Journal Special issue on Sensors for Non-Invasive Physiological Monitoring"@fr . "1567"^^ . "Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes: Survey and Implications"@fr . "Correll"@fr . . "The dynamic behavior of a data dissemination protocol for network programming at scale"@fr . "tinyos.net"@fr . . "ao\u00FBt"@fr . "Liang"@fr . . . . "Aziz"@fr . "Rose"@fr . "Wireless sensor networks: a survey"@fr . "Brewer"@fr . "The structure of the 'THE'-multiprogramming system"@fr . "Platform-Based Design of Wireless Sensor Networks for Industrial Applications"@fr . "Giuseppe"@fr . "arveni.com"@fr . . "Lien sur le site WiSA: Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for Measurement and Control"@fr . "L.P."@fr . "Department of Computer Science University of Illinois"@fr . "Qing"@fr . "nist.gov"@fr . "4258"^^ . "en"@fr . "Peter"@fr . "doi:10.1016/S1389-128600302-4"@fr . "ftp://ftp.awl.com/cseng/authors/silberschatz/OS4E/tm01-05.pdf"@fr . "Alan"@fr . "Chandy"@fr . . . "Science Direct"@fr . "Culler"@fr . . . "Matt"@fr . "John"@fr . "Dogar"@fr . . "8134245"^^ . "11641601"^^ . "Air Force Magazine"@fr . "Song"@fr . . . . "Chunming"@fr . . "NanoQplusLink"@fr . "Krishna C."@fr . "Dong"@fr . "Low-Power Wireless Ipv6 Routing with ContikiRPL"@fr . "Hollar"@fr . "Luciana"@fr . . . . "De Venuto"@fr . . "G.P."@fr . "MINDER"@fr . . "8936630"^^ . "contiki-os.org"@fr . "NIST"@fr . . "Cristina"@fr . "Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications , 2010 International Conference on"@fr . "8703798"^^ . "Qiao"@fr . . "Rajkumar"@fr . . "Nano-RK: an Energy-aware Resource-centric RTOS for Sensor Networks"@fr . . "Department of Computer Sciences University of Texas at Austin"@fr . "John T."@fr . "Abraham"@fr . "juillet"@fr . "Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA"@fr . . . "Passarella"@fr . . "V.C."@fr . . "Park1"@fr . "Lien sur le site Machine Talker"@fr . . . "Lu"@fr . . "Sudevalayam"@fr . "Jaein"@fr . . "Rahul"@fr . "Lien sur GE Global Research Center."@fr . "A Survey of Applications of Wireless Sensors and Wireless Sensor Networks"@fr . "Tarek"@fr . "mars"@fr . "siteduzero.com"@fr . . "Antonio"@fr . . "Yaoyao"@fr . . "V Merrett"@fr . "341"^^ . . "Raj"@fr . "mai"@fr . "senses.ucdavis.edu"@fr . "Eric"@fr . "Philip"@fr . "An energy-efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks"@fr . "364"^^ . . . "D."@fr . "Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks Applications and Security Challenges"@fr . "ContikiLink"@fr . "Liu"@fr . "9876860"^^ . "Zhao"@fr . "Thomas"@fr . . "Dept. of Information Engineering University of Pisa, Italy. IIT-CNR National Research Council, Italy"@fr . "S."@fr . "Seungmin"@fr . "Abdelzaher"@fr . "Cao"@fr . . "Lin"@fr . . "Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"@fr . "LACHENMANN"@fr . "Providing OS Support for Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges and Approaches"@fr . . "Hang"@fr . "Y."@fr . "Abdul Basit"@fr . "\u00C9tude et proposition de services dans les r\u00E9seaux mobiles militaires de type MANet"@fr . "K. Mani"@fr . "Michael"@fr . . . . "CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Sensors Journal Special issue on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces"@fr . "Anmol"@fr . "5900"^^ . "Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges, Design Principles, and Technical Approaches"@fr . "Xu"@fr . . . "Local Computer Networks, 2004. 29th Annual IEEE International Conference on"@fr . "Silberschatz1994"@fr . "Woo"@fr . "WebPageDunkels"@fr . "Jing"@fr . . "ACM"@fr . "Network reprogramming"@fr . "K."@fr . "Lien sur le site SiteDuZero"@fr . "305"^^ . . . "Dai"@fr . "Daniela"@fr . "V."@fr . "sics.se"@fr . "455"^^ . . "Geoff"@fr . . "Andrea"@fr . "Joakim"@fr . "Pister"@fr . . . "Tsiftes"@fr . . "M."@fr . . . . "Sarwar"@fr . "Carlson"@fr . "Anthony D."@fr . "Integrating concurrency control and energy management in device drivers"@fr . "Nicolas"@fr . "Gay"@fr . . "MachineTalker"@fr . "Computer Science Department University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720"@fr . "Adi"@fr . "IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS, VOL. 13, NO. 3, THIRD QUARTER 2011"@fr . . . "University of California Berkeley Computer Science 162"@fr . "H\u00F6glund"@fr . "Chen"@fr . "Purushottam"@fr . "issnip.org"@fr . . "Contiki - a Lightweight and Flexible Operating System for Tiny Networked Sensors"@fr . . "Guide to Wireless Sensor Networks Computer Communications and Networks"@fr . . "Real-Time and Multimedia Systems Lab. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, {aeswaran,agr,raj}@ece.cmu.edu. School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA"@fr . "Welsh"@fr . "Swedish Institute of Computer Science Kista, Sweden"@fr . . . "393"^^ . "Dept. of Comput. Sci. & Eng., Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, PA, USA"@fr . "Silberschatz"@fr . . "Whitehouse"@fr . "10700261"^^ . . "8222134"^^ . . "Ambient Intelligence"@fr . "James"@fr . "Hancke"@fr . "Deng"@fr . . . . . "Aim\u00E9"@fr . "Janakiram"@fr . . "W."@fr . "FireFly: A Time Synchronized Real-Time Sensor Networking Platform."@fr . . . "RETOSLink"@fr . . "Shucker"@fr . "Le site de NanoQplus"@fr . "Sujesha"@fr . "Robert"@fr . . "NodeMD: Diagnosing Node-Level Faults in Remote Wireless Sensor Systems"@fr . "ACM New York, NY, USA"@fr . "Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems, 2008. MASS 2008. 5th IEEE International Conference on"@fr . "SAUKH"@fr . "EWSN"@fr . "Jason"@fr . . "The Mechanism and Performance Comparison of Two Wireless Sensor Network Operating System Kernels"@fr . . "ExScal: elements of an extreme scale wireless sensor network"@fr . "Sheth"@fr . . "Veljko"@fr . "443"^^ . . "Mangharam"@fr . "Lee"@fr . "Han"@fr . "Jiajun"@fr . "cemagref.fr"@fr . "Information Technology: New Generations, 2009. ITNG '09. Sixth International Conference on"@fr . . "novembre"@fr . "Manesis"@fr . "Klues2007"@fr . "R."@fr . "T.-h. Kim et al. : FGIT 2010, LNCS 6485, pp. 616\u2013631, 2010.\u00A9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010"@fr . "Proceeding SenSys '04 Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems"@fr . . "Kee-Young"@fr . "93"^^ . . "Sangiovanni-Vincentelli"@fr . . . "Sankarasubramaniam"@fr . "Ning"@fr . "Bambang"@fr . "Lionel"@fr . "10.1109"^^ . . "93874"^^ . "OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS"@fr . "Anthony"@fr . "82"^^ . "Klues"@fr . "CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Sensors Journal Special issue on Machine Olfaction"@fr . . "Voigt"@fr . "Hai"@fr . "Handziski"@fr . . . "102"^^ . "Gardner"@fr . "sos.enix.org"@fr . "d\u00E9cembre"@fr . "Ivan"@fr . "Joseph"@fr . . . "Le site la conf\u00E9rence ISSNIP"@fr . "Carloni"@fr . "123"^^ . "Nano-RKLink"@fr . "Rime"@fr . "Alec"@fr . "Conti"@fr . . "Heidemann"@fr . "IEEE Communications Magazine"@fr . "Wolisz"@fr . "Gutierrez-Osuna"@fr . . "zurich.ibm.com"@fr . "1"^^ . "Le site la conf\u00E9rence EWSN"@fr . "Finne"@fr . "SensesLink"@fr . "1534"^^ . "Xiaoming"@fr . "Peng"@fr . "Bonivento"@fr . "MoteRunner"@fr . . "Cemagref"@fr . "Anand"@fr . . . "PLDI\u201903, June 9\u201311, 2003, San Diego, California, USA."@fr . "Davis"@fr . "nanork.org"@fr . "Sukun"@fr . "Sadia"@fr . "Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University Ottawa, Canada"@fr . "University of Colorado at Boulder Computer Science Department Boulder, CO, 80309"@fr . "Levis"@fr . . . "Matthew"@fr . "Le site de Nano-RK"@fr . . "MARRON,"@fr . "Fan"@fr . "Reprogramming wireless sensor networks: challenges and approaches"@fr . "48"^^ . . . . . "Le site de LiteOS"@fr . . "SOSLink"@fr . "septembre"@fr . . . "Medical Applications of Wireless Networks"@fr . "1442"^^ . "Sinha"@fr . "Reddy"@fr . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . "I.F."@fr . "Bhatti"@fr . "3"^^ . "Jacob"@fr . "Choi"@fr . "212"^^ . "National Institute of Standards and Technology"@fr . "Shobha"@fr . "12"^^ . . "University"@fr . "11"^^ . "ROTHERMEL"@fr . "Avi"@fr . "Kumar"@fr . "Cheng"@fr . "5"^^ . "Jonathan W."@fr . "Nam"@fr . "10385341"^^ . "Fang"@fr . "Erting"@fr . . "Richard"@fr . . "251"^^ . . "Joseph"@fr . "Akyildiz"@fr . . "William"@fr . "Wei"@fr . "1968"^^ . "Polastre"@fr . "Harjito"@fr . . . "Finne"@fr . . "FlexCup : A Flexible and Efficient Code Update Mechanism for Sensor Networks"@fr . . "10869376"^^ . "134"^^ . "Bu"@fr . "Virtual Battery:An Energy Reserve Abstraction for Embedded Sensor Networks"@fr . "Wireless Sensor Networks: Application-Centric Design"@fr . "Design of Data Acquisition and Record System Based on ZigBee and GPS"@fr . "Krunic"@fr . "GE"@fr . . "P."@fr . "7492167"^^ . "Charles"@fr . "Le site de TinyOS"@fr . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "3"^^ . "11642049"^^ . "ieee-sensors.org"@fr . "Nakyoung"@fr . . . . . "control.hut.fi"@fr . . "V Avu"@fr . . "Faulkner"@fr . "Fesehaye"@fr . "aout"@fr . "Jie"@fr . . "Madden"@fr . "Operating Systems and Systems Programming Course Reader for Spring 2008"@fr . "Yusuf"@fr . "Le site de SimpleOS"@fr . "Estrin"@fr . . . "Stankovic"@fr . "Debessay"@fr . . "TinyOSLink"@fr . "machinetalker.com"@fr . "avril"@fr . "J."@fr . . . "WiSA"@fr . "Lehigh"@fr . "Pelusi"@fr . "Trabacca"@fr . "842"^^ . . "Les syst\u00E8mes d\u2019exploitation pour capteur en r\u00E9seau (not\u00E9s \u00E9galement WSN) sont des syst\u00E8mes d'exploitation embarqu\u00E9s au sein de capteurs en r\u00E9seau (le plus souvent des r\u00E9seaux sans fil). Un capteur en r\u00E9seau (qu'on retrouve dans les publications scientifiques sous le terme anglais mote) est un ensemble d\u2019\u00E9l\u00E9ments \u00E9lectroniques de taille r\u00E9duite, compos\u00E9 essentiellement d'un d\u00E9tecteur, d'un microcontr\u00F4leur, d\u2019une batterie, d'un \u00E9metteur-r\u00E9cepteur et d'une antenne."@fr . . "978"^^ . "Rowe"@fr . . "Kanoun"@fr . "A."@fr . "octobre"@fr . . "Jeong"@fr . . "Jeff"@fr . "2006"^^ . "2007"^^ . "2004"^^ . . "2005"^^ . "2002"^^ . "2003"^^ . . "mobed.yonsei.ac.kr"@fr . "2000"^^ . "2001"^^ . . "IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS, VOL. 12, NO. 4, FOURTH QUARTER 2010"@fr . . "Mat\u00E9: a tiny virtual machine for sensor networks"@fr . . "2010"^^ . "2011"^^ . "2008"^^ . . "2009"^^ . . "5785672"^^ . "Jialiang"@fr . "8958175"^^ . "Proc. ACM SOSP"@fr . . "1994"^^ . "Eswaran"@fr . . . "1993"^^ . "Ye"@fr . . "Lien sur le site Page Web d'Adam Dunkels"@fr . "Torgerson"@fr . "10.1"^^ . "Arampatzis"@fr . "Lien sur le site IBM Mote Runner"@fr . "David"@fr . . . "Szewczyk"@fr . . "Kang"@fr . "Galvin"@fr . . "Wei"@fr . . . . "MANTIS OS: An Embedded Multithreaded Operating System for Wireless Micro Sensor Platforms"@fr . "C."@fr . . "Zheng"@fr . . "Daeyoung"@fr . . "Introduction sur ERIKA Enterprise"@fr . "Gungor"@fr . "Cha"@fr . "ISSNIP"@fr . "decembre"@fr . "Ricardo"@fr . "Gouma"@fr . "Seth"@fr . "Farooq"@fr . "Contikiv2.3"@fr . . . . . . . . "Object and Component-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2006. ISORC 2006. Ninth IEEE International Symposium on"@fr . . "Chittal"@fr . . "Jin Won"@fr . . "von Behren"@fr . "FORTH Institute of Computer Science"@fr . "Li"@fr . "MantisOSLink"@fr . "Weileun"@fr . "Lygeros"@fr . "Yen"@fr . . . "System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors"@fr . "A Survey of Sensor Network Applications"@fr . "Automated sensor-specific power management for wireless sensor networks"@fr . . . . "\u00D6sterlind"@fr . "Zhu"@fr . . "European workshop on wireless sensor networks."@fr . . . "11"^^ . . . "Kunz"@fr . "Xue"@fr . . . . "Su"@fr . . "Swedish Institute of Computer Science"@fr . . . . "Anastasi"@fr . . . . "Marco"@fr . "8616115"^^ . . . . . "Cayirci"@fr . . . . "Kristofer"@fr . . . "Olfa"@fr . . "Kulkarni"@fr . "9074458"^^ .