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L'\u00E9cart entre l'\u00E9nergie stock\u00E9e dans la batterie et l'\u00E9nergie consomm\u00E9e par les composants principaux a augment\u00E9 avec chaque g\u00E9n\u00E9ration. La consommation d'\u00E9nergie d'un smartphone r\u00E9sulte de la consommation de ses composants parce que les logiciels, toujours plus nombreux, les sollicitent. Il est donc important de savoir mesurer et comprendre comment l'\u00E9nergie est consomm\u00E9e sur les appareils mobiles. Cela am\u00E8ne les chercheurs \u00E0 travailler sur diff\u00E9rentes solutions pour r\u00E9duire la consommation d'\u00E9nergie afin d'am\u00E9liorer l'exp\u00E9rience utilisateur. La consommation \u00E9nerg\u00E9tique d'un smartphone a un impact important sur son autonomie mai"@fr . "Nicoara"@fr . "F."@fr . "188"^^ . "Eriksson"@fr . "Kim2013"@fr . "Parkkila2011"@fr . "M."@fr . "Donelan2008"@fr . . "181"^^ . "contr\u00F4leur de ressources radios"@fr . "Proceeding GREENCOM-CPSCOM '10 Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on Green Computing and Communications & Int'l Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing"@fr . "Lenin"@fr . "41"^^ . . "179"^^ . "76"^^ . "Information Networking , 2013 International Conference on"@fr . "4"^^ . "Capin2008"@fr . "A."@fr . "74"^^ . "Fitzek"@fr . "7"^^ . "Pinotti"@fr . "Biomechanical Energy Harvesting : Generating Electricity During Walking with Minimal User Effort"@fr . "8"^^ . "Rahmati2007"@fr . "9"^^ . "A.T."@fr . "Acquaviva2005"@fr . "Amedeo"@fr . "Ukhanova"@fr . "San Francisco"@fr . "67"^^ . "Le"@fr . "Aalto University publication series DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS 187/2013"@fr . "Proceedings of the sixth conference on Computer systems"@fr . "Mark S."@fr . . "reviews_cnet"@fr . "88"^^ . "20"^^ . "Bhattacharya"@fr . "21"^^ . "Washington"@fr . "Energy-aware adaptation for mobile applications"@fr . "91"^^ . "Uddin"@fr . . "85"^^ . "86"^^ . "Power analysis of mobile 3D graphics"@fr . . "28"^^ . "200942"^^ . . "Jha"@fr . "Calibrer sa batterie"@fr . "Mars"@fr . "105"^^ . "JCal Poly Pomona Pomona, CA"@fr . "Rakhmatov2003"@fr . . "Footprint: cellular assisted Wi-Fi AP discovery on mobile phones for energy saving"@fr . "Murmuria"@fr . "Pathak2011"@fr . "99"^^ . "Green Computing Conference and Workshops , 2011 International"@fr . "contr\u00F4le de ressources radios"@fr . "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications"@fr . "Siekkinen2013"@fr . "J.P."@fr . "Smart Phone: an embedded system for universal interactions"@fr . "SenSys '09 Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems"@fr . "Energy-efficient algorithms"@fr . "A System-Level Model for Runtime Power Estimation on Mobile Devices"@fr . . "Comparing mobile applications' energy consumption"@fr . "Journal of Embedded Computing - Low-power Embedded Systems"@fr . "Daler"@fr . "10.1109"^^ . "112"^^ . "Petri"@fr . . "12"^^ . . "Energy Efficiency of Mobile Device Recharging"@fr . "13"^^ . "Mohammad Ashraful"@fr . "15"^^ . . "Katrina"@fr . "-10"^^ . "Paramvir"@fr . "Trevor"@fr . "Hoque2013_1"@fr . "1"^^ . "Industrial Electronics, 2007. ISIE 2007. IEEE International Symposium on"@fr . "Energy Saving Strategies on Mobile Devices"@fr . "Brakmo2004"@fr . . "HTC Tornado"@fr . . "29"^^ . "Naik"@fr . "1"^^ . "The power of smartphones"@fr . "25"^^ . "Sen"@fr . "Wolfe"@fr . "27"^^ . "Nurmi"@fr . "Perez-Torres2012"@fr . "Thiagarajan2009"@fr . "Boston , USA"@fr . "Trezentos"@fr . "Chen2013"@fr . "Ajit"@fr . "Liverpool"@fr . "Balasubramanian2009"@fr . "Dong"@fr . . "Zhi"@fr . "The systems hacker's guide to the galaxy energy usage in a modern smartphone"@fr . "Pering"@fr . "Abhilash"@fr . "Improving energy efficiency of location sensing on smartphones"@fr . "Nurminen"@fr . "Gupta2011"@fr . "38"^^ . "Acquaviva"@fr . "Widmer"@fr . "Wallach"@fr . "Peng"@fr . "Analytical evaluation of signalling cost on power saving mechanism in mobile networks"@fr . . . "1177"^^ . "Power consumption for CPU usage"@fr . "Heiser"@fr . "On the energy efficiency of proxy-based traffic shaping for mobile audio streaming"@fr . "d\u00E9cembre"@fr . "Weisong"@fr . . "Zhong"@fr . "59"^^ . "163"^^ . "Rio de Janeiro"@fr . "Whistler, BC"@fr . "Tan"@fr . "B."@fr . "41"^^ . . "Victor"@fr . "48"^^ . "MobiSys '06 Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Mobile systems, applications and services"@fr . "CoolSpots: reducing the power consumption of wireless mobile devices with multiple radio interfaces"@fr . "51"^^ . "iPhone Battery Life Flaw Confirmed By Apple"@fr . "Jukka K."@fr . "10.1023"^^ . "1072"^^ . . "Jui-Hung"@fr . "12"^^ . "Yi"@fr . "MSWiM '08 Proceedings of the 11th international symposium on Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems"@fr . "Munich"@fr . "Diversity in smartphone usage"@fr . "R."@fr . "Carroll2013"@fr . "Tamer"@fr . "Sasso"@fr . "Hosseini"@fr . "Pathak"@fr . "Jatinder P."@fr . "1063"^^ . "Hoque2011"@fr . "Smartphone Energizer: Extending Smartphone's battery life with smart offloading"@fr . "Khairy2013"@fr . "Trivandrum"@fr . "Pathak2012_1"@fr . "Jie"@fr . "May"@fr . "A2PSM: audio assisted Wi-Fi power saving mechanism for smart devices"@fr . "Ding2011"@fr . "http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN 978-952-60-5439-1"@fr . "Fedorova"@fr . "G."@fr . . "TENCON Spring Conference, 2013 IEEE"@fr . "Seon Hong"@fr . "465"^^ . "Zhang2012"@fr . "Metri2012"@fr . "Zhan"@fr . "Lymberopoulos"@fr . "Impact of inactivity timer on energy consumption in WCDMA and cdma2000"@fr . "controleur de ressources radios"@fr . "D."@fr . "Battery consumption != Energy consumption: A Case study with a Smartphone"@fr . "septembre-october"@fr . . "Z."@fr . "Pervasive and Mobile Computing"@fr . "Graphical user interface energy characterization for handheld computers"@fr . "Naing"@fr . "La consommation \u00E9nerg\u00E9tique d'un smartphone est d\u00E9finie par la quantit\u00E9 d'\u00E9nergie utilis\u00E9e par le smartphone afin de faire fonctionner les services qu'il propose. L'\u00E9cart entre l'\u00E9nergie stock\u00E9e dans la batterie et l'\u00E9nergie consomm\u00E9e par les composants principaux a augment\u00E9 avec chaque g\u00E9n\u00E9ration. La consommation d'\u00E9nergie d'un smartphone r\u00E9sulte de la consommation de ses composants parce que les logiciels, toujours plus nombreux, les sollicitent. Il est donc important de savoir mesurer et comprendre comment l'\u00E9nergie est consomm\u00E9e sur les appareils mobiles. Cela am\u00E8ne les chercheurs \u00E0 travailler sur diff\u00E9rentes solutions pour r\u00E9duire la consommation d'\u00E9nergie afin d'am\u00E9liorer l'exp\u00E9rience utilisateur. 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"ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems"@fr . "Aalto"@fr . . "413"^^ . "Heikkinen"@fr . "Ramesh"@fr . "A.D."@fr . "Xia"@fr . "Abdur"@fr . . "R.R."@fr . . "K."@fr . . "Self-constructive high-rate system energy modeling for battery-powered mobile systems"@fr . "Moreno2013"@fr . "201131"^^ . "Midkiff"@fr . "Proceeding WWW '12 Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web"@fr . "Ochoa"@fr . "Yu"@fr . "Reducing the Delay and Power Consumption of Web Browsing on Smartphones in 3G Networks"@fr . "Xiang"@fr . "Ath\u00E8nes"@fr . "K-H."@fr . "E.O."@fr . "G.P."@fr . "Dinda"@fr . "Fernandes"@fr . "Meikang2012"@fr . "Huang2012"@fr . "A comparison of energy bugs for smartphone platforms"@fr . "Xian2007"@fr . "Abhishek"@fr . "Lide"@fr . . "Labrador"@fr . "Kuo"@fr . "Khairy"@fr . "Wu2009"@fr . "ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems"@fr . "Ming"@fr . "Comparison of energy consumption between a mobile device and a collection of dedicated devices"@fr . "Vannithamby"@fr . "Multimedia Information and Signal Processing - Aalborg University"@fr . "Salzbourg"@fr . . "Izmir"@fr . "332"^^ . "335"^^ . "Francesco"@fr . "October"@fr . "Rissanen"@fr . . . "O."@fr . "Haifeng"@fr . "One In Every 5 People In The World Own A Smartphone, One In Every 17 Own A Tablet"@fr . . "St Louis, MO"@fr . "Schirmer2011"@fr . "R.P."@fr . "321"^^ . "A\u00DFmann"@fr . "Wilke"@fr . "Qian2011"@fr . . "Nanowire battery can hold 10 times the charge of existing lithium-ion battery"@fr . "Energy-efficient positioning for smartphones using Cell-ID sequence matching"@fr . "Cancun, Quintana Roo"@fr . . "novembre"@fr . "Hypnos: understanding and treating sleep conflicts in smartphones"@fr . . "346"^^ . "Lee2004"@fr . "Wang"@fr . . . "329"^^ . "H\u00F6pfner"@fr . "theogm2013"@fr . "Malik"@fr . "Namgi"@fr . "Impact of packet aggregation on energy consumption in smartphones"@fr . "Want"@fr . . . "Feng"@fr . . . "363"^^ . "Profiling resource usage for mobile applications: a cross-layer approach"@fr . "A study of secure data transmissions in mobile cloud computing from the energy consumption side"@fr . "Changjiu"@fr . "Li"@fr . "Piechnick"@fr . "The State of the Art in Mobile Graphics Research"@fr . . "Bethesda, MD, USA"@fr . "381"^^ . . "A close examination of performance and power characteristics of 4G LTE networks"@fr . "2716"^^ . "376"^^ . "Aalto University publication series DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 139/2011"@fr . "377"^^ . "Towards Power-Efficient Smartphones by Energy-Aware Dynamic Task Scheduling"@fr . . "S.F."@fr . "Hosseini2012"@fr . "Crispo"@fr . "Flinn1999"@fr . "Iftode"@fr . "375"^^ . "Mobile Application and Device Power Usage Measurements"@fr . "Pulli"@fr . "Zhou"@fr . "Albers"@fr . "Oslo, Norv\u00E8ge"@fr . "Perrucci2009"@fr . "Rakhmatov"@fr . "Constandache"@fr . "Kota Kinabalu, Malaisie"@fr . "Radio Resource Control"@fr . "High Performance Computing and Communication & 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems , 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on"@fr . "Nguyen2013bis"@fr . "C."@fr . "Zhirong"@fr . "280"^^ . "BaunKj\u00E6rgaard2011"@fr . "258"^^ . "1383"^^ . "Abhinav"@fr . "Mehajabin"@fr . "Mahajan"@fr . "Stavrou"@fr . . "Tajana"@fr . "Akenine-Moller"@fr . . "Tiwana"@fr . "277"^^ . "Lyon"@fr . "Bareth2011"@fr . "Ramesh"@fr . "5864"^^ . . "Qian"@fr . "Nice, France"@fr . "Deolalikar"@fr . "Mochocki"@fr . "Jiangfeng"@fr . "Niraj K."@fr . . "Blunck"@fr . . "Asma"@fr . "293"^^ . . "Energy management for battery-powered embedded systems"@fr . "W."@fr . "Savolainen"@fr . "319"^^ . . "Energy consumption in mobile phones: a measurement study and implications for network applications"@fr . "291"^^ . "San Jose, CA, USA"@fr . "Energy-Efficient Position Tracking in Proactive Location-Based Services for Smartphone Environments"@fr . "Context-for-wireless: context-sensitive energy-efficient wireless data transfer"@fr . "janvier"@fr . . "seventeenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles"@fr . "DT."@fr . . . . "An Overview of Bluetooth Security"@fr . "New York"@fr . "Toronto, ON"@fr . "Accurate online power estimation and automatic battery behavior based power model generation for smartphones"@fr . "HotMobile '13 Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications"@fr . "Characterizing and modeling user activity on smartphones: summary"@fr . "Coimbra"@fr . "Metri"@fr . "Moreno"@fr . "L'evolution du smartphone"@fr . "Richly"@fr . "Kyu-Han"@fr . "Uddin2013"@fr . "Shirmohammadi"@fr . "C.S."@fr . "Hangzhou, Chine"@fr . "calibrage_batterie"@fr . "307"^^ . "fr"@fr . "How much does it cost to charge an iPhone 5? A thought-provokingly modest $0.41/year"@fr . . "Yuvraj"@fr . 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