"IMEP"@fr . "2011"^^ . "octobre"@fr . "10.1155"^^ . "Holmer"@fr . "Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Working Group, INTERNET DRAFT"@fr . "1996"^^ . "Song"@fr . "1999"^^ . "Chen"@fr . "Cho"@fr . "Xiang-Guo"@fr . . "Lee2000"@fr . . "Perkins"@fr . "Jean-Pierre"@fr . "Gauthier2001"@fr . . "SU-OLSR une nouvelle solution pour la s\u00E9curit\u00E9 du protocole OLSR"@fr . . . "Xinjie"@fr . "Guibadj"@fr . "Challenges of Secure Routing in MANETs: A Simulative Approach using AODV-SEC"@fr . . "Perkins2000"@fr . . "Zygmunt"@fr . "Wells2009"@fr . "NS2"@fr . . "Parsons2009"@fr . "Toh"@fr . . "S-AODV: Sink Routing Table over AODV Routing Protocol for 6LoWPAN"@fr . . "Victor C.M"@fr . "International Conference on Communication Technology, ICCT '06."@fr . "A secure routing protocol for ad hoc networks"@fr . "M\u00E9moire de ma\u00EEtrise, \u00E9cole de technologie sup\u00E9rieure universit\u00E9 du Qu\u00E9bec"@fr . "A review of routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks"@fr . "J."@fr . "57"^^ . . "49"^^ . . . . . . . "Hamid"@fr . "Sanzgiri2002"@fr . "Awerbuch"@fr . "David B."@fr . . "Elizabeth"@fr . . "Gang"@fr . "Simulation et mesure des performances du protocole de routage AODV"@fr . . . "f\u00E9vrier"@fr . . "mai"@fr . . "31"^^ . "Steinmetz"@fr . "A game theoretic approach for securing AODV in emergency Mobile Ad Hoc Networks"@fr . "C. Castro"@fr . "Network simulations with OPNET"@fr . "21"^^ . "22"^^ . "Smart Handling of Colluding Black Hole Attacks in MANETs and Wireless Sensor Networks using Multipath Routing"@fr . "Kear"@fr . "9"^^ . "ACM"@fr . "1237479"^^ . "4756"^^ . "Balakrishna2010"@fr . "1"^^ . . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "126"^^ . "Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector"@fr . "60"^^ . "Macker1998"@fr . "Patroklos G."@fr . "Baruch"@fr . "juillet"@fr . "106"^^ . "On a Comparison of four Ad-hoc Routing Protocols when taking into account the Radio Interferences"@fr . "Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing"@fr . . "34"^^ . "U."@fr . "HAL-INRIA archive ouverte"@fr . "Ad Hoc Networks"@fr . "Tadeusz"@fr . "Razafindralambo"@fr . "Bredel"@fr . "20"^^ . "Said"@fr . "\u00C9tude des performances du protocole MMDV : Multipath and MPR based AODV"@fr . "mai"@fr . "90"^^ . "fr"@fr . "Perrig"@fr . "Chanet2007"@fr . "GloMoSim: a library for parallel simulation of large-scale wireless networks"@fr . "17"^^ . "115034"^^ . . "28"^^ . "29"^^ . "Performance analysis of routing protocol in WiMAX network"@fr . "26"^^ . "4"^^ . "Sixth IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks"@fr . "AODV"@ja . "6"^^ . "World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal"@fr . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "Chang1999"@fr . "mars"@fr . "78"^^ . "3"^^ . . "Ooi"@fr . . "Abdesselem"@fr . . "Symposium sur la s\u00E9curit\u00E9 des technologies de l'information et des communications"@fr . . "8"^^ . . "10"^^ . "Aghvami"@fr . . "Hector is an Energy Efficient Tree-Based Optimized Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks"@fr . "Rajeswar Rao"@fr . "AODV"@zh . "Sami"@fr . "Computer networks"@fr . "Politis"@fr . "Hubaux"@fr . "Michael"@fr . "Awerbuch2004"@fr . "A.-G"@fr . "Yifei"@fr . . "TORA"@fr . "Zhongyu"@fr . "Bagrodia"@fr . "Ioanna"@fr . . "Christian"@fr . "175"^^ . "Gerla"@fr . . "Youjun2006"@fr . "Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing"@fr . "JTEA'2004"@fr . "153"^^ . "6"^^ . "154"^^ . "7"^^ . . "1"^^ . "Zapata2002"@fr . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "12"^^ . "2011"^^ . . "13"^^ . "Wei"@fr . "146"^^ . "Mtibaa2006"@fr . . "15"^^ . "0"^^ . "M."@fr . "9"^^ . "Sedrati"@fr . "1"^^ . . "10"^^ . "20"^^ . "21"^^ . "22"^^ . "Gayraud"@fr . "techniquesIngenieurs"@fr . . "28"^^ . "29"^^ . "24"^^ . "novembre"@fr . "26"^^ . "27"^^ . . . . "Qasim"@fr . "253"^^ . "10.1145"^^ . "Sanchez-Adam"@fr . "\u00C9tude et proposition de services dans les r\u00E9seaux mobiles militaires de type MANet"@fr . . "Yi"@fr . . "Malek2010"@fr . "The quest for security in mobile ad hoc networks"@fr . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "1"^^ . "Nabil"@fr . . . "Balakrishna"@fr . "Second International Conference on Networks Security Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing"@fr . . . . . "Hu"@fr . "C.L."@fr . "Contention- and Interference-Aware Flow-Based Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks: Design and Evaluation of a Novel Routing Metric"@fr . "Barr\u00E8re"@fr . "Romain"@fr . "Ramaswami"@fr . . "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications"@fr . . "Levente"@fr . "FloresLucio2003"@fr . "K."@fr . . "29"^^ . . "\u00C9tude des Performances des Protocoles de Routage dans les R\u00E9seaux Mobiles Ad-Hoc"@fr . "Zeng"@fr . "10.1016"^^ . "Ad hoc networks"@fr . "299"^^ . . . "Wysocki"@fr . . "Sun-Ho"@fr . "Rachid"@fr . "Elizabeth M"@fr . "S-J"@fr . "Qasim2008"@fr . "Yang2008"@fr . "Marcel"@fr . . "Manzoni"@fr . "Liu2010"@fr . "Castro2010"@fr . . "An Internet MANET Encapsulation Protocol Specification"@fr . "Performance Evaluation of the Impact of Attacks on Mobile Ad hoc Networks"@fr . "T."@fr . "SRS_AODV"@fr . "Upadhyaya"@fr . "avril"@fr . "Lamia"@fr . . "Esmaili"@fr . . "I."@fr . "Johnson1996"@fr . "AODV-BR: backup routing in ad hoc networks"@fr . "Vincent W.S"@fr . . . "J-C"@fr . "Charles E."@fr . . . "1268"^^ . "IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC'2000"@fr . "Ooi2004"@fr . "Abolhasan"@fr . . "340"^^ . "Efficient On-Demand Routing for Mobile Ad-Hoc Wireless Access Networks"@fr . "en"@fr . "Maamar"@fr . "343"^^ . "Network AD HOC Routing Algorithm: An Application with Bluetooth"@fr . "Real-time Intrusion Detection for Ad hoc Networks"@fr . "Johnson"@fr . "Nie"@fr . "Beghriche"@fr . "Peng-Yong"@fr . "Th\u00E8se Universit\u00E9 Blaise Pascal - Clermont II"@fr . "AODV (pour Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector) est un protocole de routage destin\u00E9 aux r\u00E9seaux mobiles (r\u00E9seau ad hoc). Il est \u00E0 la fois capable de routage unicast et multicast. Il est libre de boucle, auto-d\u00E9marrant et s'accommode d'un grand nombre de n\u0153uds mobiles (ou intermittents).Lorsqu'un n\u0153ud source demande une route, il cr\u00E9e les routes \u00E0 la vol\u00E9e et les maintient tant que la source en a besoin. Pour les groupes multicast, AODV construit une arborescence.Ce protocole de routage est peu gourmand en \u00E9nergie et ne n\u00E9cessite pas de grande puissance de calcul, il est donc facile \u00E0 installer sur de petits \u00E9quipements mobiles. La premi\u00E8re publication faisant \u00E9tat de AODV appara\u00EEt lors du proceedings of the 2nd IEEE workshop on mobile computing systems and application. La d\u00E9marche visait \u00E0 normaliser les diff\u00E9rents protocoles du MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks) pour les r\u00E9seaux ad hoc. L'int\u00E9r\u00EAt du routage dynamique ad hoc appara\u00EEt d\u00E8s 1996 dans des articles comme Dynamic source routing in ad hoc wireless networks (1996). L'appropriation par la communaut\u00E9 technique de ce protocole entra\u00EEne de nombreuses \u00E9volutions et adaptations. Le nombre de publications qui s'en sont ensuivies a atteint un pic d'une centaine par an en 2004 et 2005 montrant l'int\u00E9r\u00EAt port\u00E9 \u00E0 ce protocole lors de cette p\u00E9riode. La mise \u00E0 disposition par les op\u00E9rateurs de r\u00E9seaux \u00E0 co\u00FBt raisonnable et disposant d'une couverture proche de 100 % restreint l'int\u00E9r\u00EAt des r\u00E9seaux ad hoc. L'int\u00E9r\u00EAt majeur des r\u00E9seaux ad-hoc est qu'ils sont tr\u00E8s facile \u00E0 mettre en place et pour un co\u00FBt faible. Quelques exp\u00E9riences furent tent\u00E9es, comme le \u00AB R\u00E9seau Citoyen \u00BB en Belgique. D'autres exemples existent de par le monde, en Afrique, ou le projet (SARI) en Inde. son utilisation pourrait pallier une couverture op\u00E9rateur limit\u00E9e. L'arm\u00E9e (Projet FELIN) ou la s\u00E9curit\u00E9 civile r\u00E9fl\u00E9chit \u00E0 l'int\u00E9r\u00EAt de cette organisation pour pallier une d\u00E9faillance g\u00E9n\u00E9rale en cas de catastrophe naturelle par exemple."@fr . "Chou"@fr . "Malcolm"@fr . "1092"^^ . . "Matthias"@fr . "toh1996"@fr . "N"@fr . "Fisal"@fr . . . "Paredes-Farrera"@fr . "445"^^ . . . "Ferrer"@fr . . "Jaehoon"@fr . . "Name directory service based on MAODV and multicast DNS for IPv6 MANET"@fr . . "Jeong2004"@fr . "Usha"@fr . "septembre"@fr . "TENCON 2004. 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference"@fr . "426"^^ . . "A new routing protocol for the reconfigurable wireless networks"@fr . "Ebinger"@fr . "M.S."@fr . "Defending DSSS-based broadcast communication against insider jammers via delayed seed-disclosure"@fr . "Kim"@fr . "S.S."@fr . . "Gilberto"@fr . . . . "Hu2003"@fr . "Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University"@fr . "Chai-Keong"@fr . . "S.Y."@fr . . . "Dahill"@fr . "Mehran"@fr . "Song2002"@fr . . "IEEE Computer"@fr . . "1311"^^ . "Sanzgiri"@fr . "Cao2010"@fr . "Opportunistic P2P Communications in Delay-Tolerant Rural Scenarios"@fr . . "Jayabharathi"@fr . "Fatin"@fr . . . "De la S\u00E9curit\u00E9 \u00E0 la E-Confiance bas\u00E9e sur la Cryptographie \u00E0 Seuil dans les R\u00E9seaux sans fil Ad hoc"@fr . "Holick"@fr . . "Mitton"@fr . . . "Aouragh"@fr . . "Naldurg"@fr . "Packet Leashes: A Defense against Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks"@fr . . . . . . "Hyoungjun"@fr . . "Butty\u00E1n"@fr . "Adrian"@fr . "Haas"@fr . "Lionel Barr\u00E8re"@fr . . . "460"^^ . "Harada2009"@fr . "p 307-314"@fr . "Cano"@fr . "Mitigating Byzantine Attacks in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks"@fr . . . "New energy model: Prolonging the lifetime of Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocols"@fr . "La S\u00E9curit\u00E9 dans les R\u00E9seaux Sans Fil Ad Hoc"@fr . . "Stephan"@fr . . "Nuaymi"@fr . "Royer2000"@fr . "Lee"@fr . . "Hao"@fr . . "Cao"@fr . "C."@fr . . "Twenty-Second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, INFOCOM 2003"@fr . "The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science: Mobile Computing"@fr . "567"^^ . "The Network Simulator - ns-2"@fr . . "Krop"@fr . "Yi2001"@fr . "Xianhui Che"@fr . "H. A."@fr . "Lee2004"@fr . "Perkins1999"@fr . "Corson1999"@fr . "Curtmola"@fr . "M Scott"@fr . "SEAD: secure efficient distance vector routing for mobile wireless ad hoc networks"@fr . "Beghriche2010"@fr . "Yang"@fr . "L'impl\u00E9mentation d'AODV-UU par l'universit\u00E9 d'Uppsala"@fr . . "Wireless Networks"@fr . "Marcos"@fr . . "Perkins2003"@fr . "Wahida Banu"@fr . "Park"@fr . "Study on the performance of Ad-hoc routing protocols on vehicles"@fr . . . "Ming-Tuo Zhou"@fr . "WSEAS Transactions on Computers"@fr . "\u00C9cole de technologie sup\u00E9rieure"@fr . "Papadimitratos2006"@fr . . "Miguel"@fr . "Jungsoo"@fr . . . . . "A method to deliver AODV routing messages using WiMAX mesh MAC control messages in maritime wireless networks"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Perrig2003"@fr . . . . . "Dong-Ho"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . "International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications"@fr . . "Haas"@fr . "Maamar2007"@fr . . "Ralf"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Abolhasan2004"@fr . . "10.1109"^^ . "Mois\u00E9s"@fr . "RE-AODV: An enhanced routing algorithm for QoS support in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks"@fr . "Jeong"@fr . "Hsu"@fr . "Das"@fr . . . . "Charles"@fr . "David A."@fr . "Lakshmi"@fr . . "Tronje2007"@fr . "700"^^ . "Mitton2008"@fr . "Manel Guerrero"@fr . "Cliff"@fr . "Implementation of geocast-enhanced aodvbis routing protocol in MANET"@fr . "Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector"@de . "Prasad"@fr . . "Zapata"@fr . . . "Zygmunt1997"@fr . . . "ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review"@fr . "Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector"@it . "Wong"@fr . "Ninth International Conference on Network Protocols"@fr . . "Gayraud2003"@fr . . "Qayyum"@fr . "E.A."@fr . . . . . . "353"^^ . "Leung"@fr . . "AODV"@ca . . . . . . "Joo-Han"@fr . "A Novel Distributed Routing Protocol To Support Ad-Hoc Mobile Computing"@fr . . . . . "Abderrahmen"@fr . "Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and the IETF"@fr . . . "janvier"@fr . . . . "draft-ietf-manet-imep-spec-01.txt"@fr . . . "1998"^^ . . "1999"^^ . . "AODV"@uk . "1996"^^ . . "1997"^^ . . "2002"^^ . . "2003"^^ . . "2000"^^ . "Th\u00E8se de doctorat, Universit\u00E9 de L\u2019Hadj Lakhdar-Batna, Facult\u00E9 des sciences de l\u2019ing\u00E9nieur D\u00E9partement d\u2019informatique"@fr . . "2001"^^ . . . "2006"^^ . "An"@fr . . "Ariadne: a secure on-demand routing protocol for ad hoc networks"@fr . . "2007"^^ . "2004"^^ . "Harada"@fr . . "Oscar"@fr . . . "2005"^^ . "X."@fr . "2010"^^ . "Awerbuch2002"@fr . . "2011"^^ . "2008"^^ . . "2009"^^ . . "1537"^^ . . . . . "189546227"^^ . "Papademetriou"@fr . "AbRahman"@fr . . . "De Rasse"@fr . . . . "Stajano2002"@fr . "Yih-Chun"@fr . . "Papadimitratos"@fr . . "Eichler"@fr . "Joseph P."@fr . "Sankar"@fr . "Jose Luis"@fr . . "Performance Evaluation for Cross-Layer AODV Protocol in CDMA-Based Ad-Hoc Networks"@fr . . "10.1007"^^ . "OPNET Modeler and Ns-2: Comparing the Accuracy Of Network Simulators for Packet-Level Analysis using a Network Testbed"@fr . "AODV (pour Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector) est un protocole de routage destin\u00E9 aux r\u00E9seaux mobiles (r\u00E9seau ad hoc). Il est \u00E0 la fois capable de routage unicast et multicast. Il est libre de boucle, auto-d\u00E9marrant et s'accommode d'un grand nombre de n\u0153uds mobiles (ou intermittents).Lorsqu'un n\u0153ud source demande une route, il cr\u00E9e les routes \u00E0 la vol\u00E9e et les maintient tant que la source en a besoin. Pour les groupes multicast, AODV construit une arborescence.Ce protocole de routage est peu gourmand en \u00E9nergie et ne n\u00E9cessite pas de grande puissance de calcul, il est donc facile \u00E0 installer sur de petits \u00E9quipements mobiles."@fr . "Gauthier"@fr . . "Lionel"@fr . . "juin"@fr . "R."@fr . "capteurs sans fils"@fr . . "Corson"@fr . "Chanet"@fr . "Chang"@fr . "RFC3561"@fr . . . "Young"@fr . "Vincent"@fr . "Wang"@fr . "Abdellaoui"@fr . . "Loufti"@fr . . . "Stamouli2005"@fr . "Tabbane2004"@fr . "Performance of mobile ad hoc networking routing protocols in realistic scenarios"@fr . "Esmaili2011"@fr . "Parsons"@fr . "Elizabeth M."@fr . "Nesrine"@fr . . "C.H."@fr . "Catalan-Cid"@fr . "Youjun"@fr . . "UppsalaAODV-UU"@fr . . "Val\u00E9rie"@fr . . "Liu"@fr . "Roman"@fr . . "Z.J."@fr . "Algorithme de routage coop\u00E9ratif \u00E0 qualit\u00E9 de service pour des r\u00E9seaux ad hoc agri-environnementaux"@fr . "N."@fr . "Usha2011"@fr . "Stephan2007"@fr . "Second ACM international workshop on Wireless network testbeds, experimental evaluation and characterization, WinTECH '07"@fr . . "1559"^^ . . "The design and implementation of the NCTUns 1.0 network simulator"@fr . . "Marina2002"@fr . "An on-demand secure routing protocol resilient to byzantine failures"@fr . "Panaousis2009"@fr . "Guerra2007"@fr . . . . . "Zeng1998"@fr . . "Sara"@fr . "Gallucio"@fr . . "Malek"@fr . "David"@fr . "978"^^ . "Zhang"@fr . . "Argyroudis"@fr . "Bhatia"@fr . "Performance Analysis of AODV under Black Hole Attack through Use of OPNET Simulator"@fr . . "Tronje"@fr . "Secure data communication in mobile ad hoc networks"@fr . "AbRahman2011"@fr . "Flores Lucio"@fr . . "AODV Routing for IPV6"@fr . "Ramaswami2006"@fr . "Comparisons of SAODV and TAODV, DSR Mobile ad hoc network Routing Protocols"@fr . "Mtibaa"@fr . "A performance comparison of energy consumption for Mobile Ad Hoc Network routing protocols"@fr . . "H."@fr . . "On-demand energy-efficient routing for delay-constrained service in power-controlled multihop cellular network"@fr . . . "Cano2002"@fr . . "R.S.D."@fr . "Security-aware ad hoc routing for wireless networks"@fr . "Royer"@fr . "Maltz"@fr . "Guerra"@fr . "Chia-Ching"@fr . "Anderson"@fr . "Simulation of the Routing Protocol of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks at the Rate of 4G"@fr . "Huang"@fr . "d\u00E9cembre"@fr . "A."@fr . "Multicast Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing"@fr . "M. R."@fr . "24"^^ . "Stajano"@fr . "Wang2003"@fr . "Miguel2010"@fr . "1"^^ . "Th\u00E8se Universit\u00E9 Bordeaux 1"@fr . "Jingnan"@fr . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . . "7"^^ . "M.K."@fr . "11"^^ . "Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Working Group"@fr . "S."@fr . "ao\u00FBt"@fr . . . "JiST/MobNet: combined simulation, emulation, and real-world testbed for ad hoc networks"@fr . "Hsu2003"@fr . "S.R."@fr . . "Wells"@fr . . . "Kassim"@fr . "35"^^ . "Zhang2006"@fr . . "42"^^ . "Secure ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing"@fr . "Laura"@fr . . . "Hu2005"@fr . "A Static Multi-hop Underwater Wireless Sensor Network Using RF Electromagnetic Communications"@fr . . "P."@fr . "The Resurrecting Duckling: security issues for ubiquitous computing"@fr . "F."@fr . "Mehar"@fr . "Tabbane"@fr . "Marina"@fr . "Nadia"@fr . . "V."@fr . "Sankar2011"@fr . "1976"^^ . "Reza"@fr . . "Stamouli"@fr . "Dynamic Source Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks"@fr . "Peter"@fr . "B."@fr . . . "On-demand multipath distance vector routing in ad hoc networks"@fr . . "Abdellaoui2009"@fr . "Wu"@fr . "EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking"@fr . . "Nesrine2009"@fr . . "Panaousis"@fr . . "IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM'03"@fr . "Hubaux2001"@fr . "2006"^^ . "Macker"@fr . "2003"^^ . . "Khalili Shoja"@fr . "Seung"@fr . "R-AODV: Rate aware routing protocol for WiFi mesh networks"@fr . "Lu"@fr . . "2008"^^ . "Twelfth Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, PADS'98"@fr . "2009"^^ .