"Octobre"@fr . "251"^^ . . "Hot Topics in Operating Systems"@fr . "Kimmo"@fr . "Yuntao"@fr . "Jean-Philippe"@fr . "8575191"^^ . "Jean-Bernard"@fr . . "Mars"@fr . "XOmB: an Exokernel for Modern 64-bit, Multicore Hardware"@fr . "Mirage"@fr . . "La Colle sur Loup, France"@fr . . . . "application-level networking on exokernel"@fr . "Avril - Mai"@fr . "Steven"@fr . "M.I.T. Lab for Computer Science"@fr . . "1995"^^ . "10.1109"^^ . "0"^^ . "1998"^^ . "1997"^^ . . . "2010"^^ . "2008"^^ . "2009"^^ . "2012"^^ . "2013"^^ . "Multiple guest operating systems under Exo-kernel"@fr . "A communication mechanism for resource isolation"@fr . "Mosse"@fr . "2002"^^ . "2003"^^ . "Larry"@fr . "2000"^^ . "2001"^^ . "Marisa"@fr . "2004"^^ . . "2005"^^ . "Gregory R"@fr . . . "Porting multithreading libraries"@fr . . "Protection in the THINK exokernel"@fr . . . "Hibler"@fr . "Running multithreaded applications in exokernel-based systems: porting CThreads to Xok"@fr . . "December"@fr . "Dave"@fr . "Thomas"@fr . "EXOKERNEL AND EXOTOOLS"@fr . "Protection"@fr . . "SIGOPS Operating Systems Review"@fr . . "\u00C9l\u00E9ments de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 THINK"@fr . "Hector M"@fr . . "AMP: Experiences with building an exokernel-based platform for active networking"@fr . "Gil"@fr . "Porting multithreading libraries to an exokernel system"@fr . . . "Tim"@fr . . "Russell"@fr . . "ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review"@fr . "Hector"@fr . "Mirage OS: A Cloud Operating System"@fr . . "Artiaga"@fr . "Lemerre"@fr . "Yitzchak"@fr . "Dawson"@fr . . . "Computer Science Department Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943"@fr . . "Frans"@fr . . "David"@fr . "Security in innovative new operating systems"@fr . "Benjie"@fr . "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"@fr . . "Petzinger"@fr . "An OS interface for active routers"@fr . "THINK 2002"@fr . "Purtell"@fr . "Sandeep K"@fr . "M.I.T. Laboratory for Computer Science - Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A"@fr . "James"@fr . . "Brice\u00F1o"@fr . . "Ernest"@fr . . "Dandekar"@fr . . "Mantova"@fr . "Daniel"@fr . "79161"^^ . "Waqar"@fr . "Kaashoek"@fr . "Matthieu"@fr . . "Lehner"@fr . . . . "Orcas Island, WA"@fr . . "Vincent"@fr . "Extensions Temps-R\u00E9el pour Exo-Noyau Embarqu\u00E9"@fr . "Multiple guest operating systems under Exo-kernel"@fr . "Hartman"@fr . "Blake"@fr . "Madden"@fr . "Running multithreaded"@fr . . . . "Vers l'exogiciel -- Une approche de la construction d'infrastructures logicielles radicalement configurables"@fr . . . . "Massachusetts, USA"@fr . . "Microkernel based real-time embedded operating systems efficiency improvement"@fr . "SIGOPS"@fr . . . . "978"^^ . . . "Mike"@fr . . . "Briceno"@fr . "Wilkinson"@fr . . . "LSR-IMAG laboratory, SARDES project, CNRS-INPG-INRIA-UJF"@fr . . "EXOKERNEL AND EXOTOOLS"@fr . "Albert"@fr . "Rippert"@fr . "Marzi"@fr . . "Serra"@fr . . . . "1997-05-04"^^ . "Quema"@fr . . "Gupta"@fr . "473"^^ . "Exokernel"@zh . "10.1145"^^ . "189524765"^^ . "New York, NY, USA"@fr . "Jay"@fr . . . . "Fassino"@fr . . "Pinckney"@fr . "Mars 2001"@fr . "Security in innovative new operating systems"@fr . "The Exokernel Operating System Architecture"@fr . "Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems"@fr . "Brian A."@fr . . "Montreal, QC"@fr . . . "Gregory"@fr . . "Exokernels"@fr . "Leschke"@fr . "Cynthia"@fr . . . "The Exokernel Operating System Architecture"@fr . "Exokernels"@fr . . . . . "Extensions Temps-R\u00E9el pour Exo-Noyau Embarqu\u00E9"@fr . . "ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review Volume 38 Issue 4"@fr . "Lawall"@fr . "Hosien"@fr . . . "D\u00E9cembre"@fr . "Ganger"@fr . "Un exo-noyau ou exokernel est un type de syst\u00E8me d\u2019exploitation dont l'architecture logicielle est dite modulaire.En informatique, un noyau ou kernel est le premier \u00E9l\u00E9ment cod\u00E9 venant exploiter les ressources mat\u00E9rielles de l'ordinateur.Il existe diff\u00E9rents types de noyaux qui supportent des syst\u00E8mes d\u2019exploitations et qui fournissent des m\u00E9canismes d\u2019abstraction du mat\u00E9riel tel que la m\u00E9moire, le (ou les) processeur(s), le r\u00E9seau informatique ou les diff\u00E9rents p\u00E9riph\u00E9riques mat\u00E9riels.Le noyau facilite \u00E9galement la communication entre les processus gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 diverses abstractions logicielles."@fr . "JANUARY"@fr . "The operating system kernel as a secure programmable machine"@fr . "Muller"@fr . "Hammamet, Tunisie"@fr . "Engler"@fr . . "Hrishikesh"@fr . "Exterminate All Operating System Abstractions"@fr . . . "Julia"@fr . "Berlin"@fr . "THINK 2002 2"@fr . . "\u042D\u043A\u0437\u043E\u044F\u0434\u0440\u043E"@ru . . "Christophe"@fr . "9783800729098"^^ . "Application Performance and Flexibility"@fr . "Alexandre"@fr . "Multi Topic Conference"@fr . "Achieving speed and flexibility by separating management from protection: embracing the Exokernel operating system"@fr . . "Irvine"@fr . . "Fevrier"@fr . . . "Ao\u00FBt"@fr . . "F\u00E9vrier"@fr . "Fast and flexible application-level networking on exokernel systems"@fr . "O'Toole"@fr . "THINK: A Software Framework for Component-based Operating System Kernels"@fr . . "Decembre"@fr . "John"@fr . . . . "Cambridge Massachusetts"@fr . "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems Volume 20 Issue 1"@fr . "Multiprocessing with the Exokernel"@fr . . "October"@fr . . "Guy"@fr . . . "New York"@fr . . "Charles"@fr . . "Ahmed"@fr . . "fr"@fr . . . . . "Grimaud"@fr . "Jan"@fr . "Operating system issues in future end-user systems"@fr . "Robert"@fr . "Billy"@fr . "EW 9 Proceedings of the 9th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop: beyond the PC: new challenges for the operating system"@fr . "2794"^^ . . "--04-19"^^ . "An OS interface for active routers"@fr . "European"@fr . . "Chen"@fr . "MIT Exokernel Operating System"@fr . . "Exokernel: an operating system architecture for application-level resource management"@fr . "Exterminate all operating system abstractions"@fr . . "MIT Exokernel Operating System"@fr . "THINK: A secure distributed systems architecture"@fr . "Multiprocessing with the Exokernel operating system"@fr . . . . "Peterson"@fr . "XOmB"@fr . "Department of Computer Science \u2013 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA \u2013 USA - Department of Computer Science University of California, Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA \u2013 USA"@fr . . "83"^^ . "AMP: Experiences with building an exokernel"@fr . . "Gilles"@fr . "France"@fr . . "Septembre"@fr . "Lepreau"@fr . "Mai"@fr . . . . . . . "Tullmann"@fr . "72"^^ . "AVM: Applicat ion-Level Virtual Memory"@fr . "Schwab"@fr . . "77"^^ . . . "78"^^ . . . "Dawson R"@fr . . "\u00C9l\u00E9ments de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 dans l'architecture de syst\u00E8mes r\u00E9partis THINK"@fr . "Exon\u00FAcleo"@es . "121"^^ . "Grenoble, France"@fr . . . . "Morris"@fr . "Andrew"@fr . . "Exo-noyau"@fr . . . . "Microkernel based real-time"@fr . "Vidal-Naquet"@fr . "Vers l'exogiciel"@fr . "Damien"@fr . "Stephen"@fr . "Patrick"@fr . . . "1"^^ . "Achieving speed and flexibility"@fr . . "5"^^ . "2008"^^ . "2010"^^ . . "Vivien"@fr . "49"^^ . "2000"^^ . . "Larkby-Lahet"@fr . "2001"^^ . "2002"^^ . "52"^^ . "A communication mechanism for resource isolation"@fr . . "2003"^^ . . "Deville"@fr . . "1997"^^ . . "Un exo-noyau ou exokernel est un type de syst\u00E8me d\u2019exploitation dont l'architecture logicielle est dite modulaire.En informatique, un noyau ou kernel est le premier \u00E9l\u00E9ment cod\u00E9 venant exploiter les ressources mat\u00E9rielles de l'ordinateur.Il existe diff\u00E9rents types de noyaux qui supportent des syst\u00E8mes d\u2019exploitations et qui fournissent des m\u00E9canismes d\u2019abstraction du mat\u00E9riel tel que la m\u00E9moire, le (ou les) processeur(s), le r\u00E9seau informatique ou les diff\u00E9rents p\u00E9riph\u00E9riques mat\u00E9riels.Le noyau facilite \u00E9galement la communication entre les processus gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 diverses abstractions logicielles. Contrairement aux noyaux dit monolithiques, l'exo-noyau et son architecture ont une approche plus radicale.\u1F14\u03BE\u03C9 (\u00E9xo) signifie en grec ancien \u00AB hors de \u00BB : un exo-noyau est donc un syst\u00E8me fonctionnant dans l\u2019espace utilisateur et non dans l\u2019espace noyau.La philosophie de l'exo-noyau est : l\u2019\u00E9limination de toute abstraction d'un syst\u00E8me d'exploitation pour que l'utilisateur soit au plus pr\u00E8s du mat\u00E9riel.C'est en 1995 qu'une \u00E9quipe du MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) commence son \u00E9tude et le d\u00E9veloppement de ce type de noyau ; initiant en m\u00EAme temps de vifs d\u00E9bats avec les tenants des noyaux monolithiques.La philosophie et les principes d\u00E9finis pour ce projet ont modifi\u00E9 la vision de la performance, la gestion des ressources mat\u00E9rielles et la s\u00E9curit\u00E9 au sein d'un syst\u00E8me d\u2019exploitation.Les instanciations et l'utilisation de l'exo-noyau ainsi que des outils et applications sp\u00E9cifiques n'ont cess\u00E9 de se multiplier et d'\u00E9voluer depuis sa gen\u00E8se."@fr . "--09-14"^^ . "1998"^^ . "Operating system issues in future end-user systems"@fr . "2009-03-31"^^ . . . "Hunt"@fr . . . . "February"@fr . "May"@fr . "Stefani"@fr . "en"@fr . . . "9"^^ . . "Yang"@fr . . "Raatikainen"@fr . "AVM"@fr . . . "Courbot"@fr . . "202"^^ . "Karachi"@fr . . . "Avril"@fr . "243"^^ . . "Exonucli"@ca . "Gottlieb"@fr .