"Section D. Zoology and Botany, including Physiology"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin du 30/10/1886"@fr . "Reginald"@fr . "Leslie"@fr . "Stewart"@fr . "Carpenter"@fr . "Leonard Huxley"@fr . "XXXIII\u2013XXXIV"@fr . "Bully for Brontosaurus: reflections in natural history"@fr . . "807"^^ . "Stephen Jay Gould"@fr . "Lettre du 24/7/1860 \u00E0 James David Forbes"@fr . "Natural History"@fr . "Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley"@fr . . "Gilley"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 The Times du 30/11/1887"@fr . "D\u00E9bat entre Huxley et Wilberforce"@fr . "John Vernon Jensen"@fr . . . "10.1093"^^ . "35"^^ . . "Historical Journal"@fr . "Charles Darwin. His life told in an autobiographical chapter, and in a selected series of his published letters"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin du 17/5/1895"@fr . . . . "Charles Darwin. His life told in an autobiographical chapter, and in a selected series of his published letters"@fr . . "17"^^ . "48"^^ . "Memorials, journal and botanical correspondence of Charles Cardale Babington"@fr . "Imperial College MS HP 15, f.115-118"@fr . "Wilberforce and Huxley on Evolution"@fr . . . . "r\u00E9flexions sur l\u2019histoire naturelle"@fr . "The Darwin Correspondence Project"@fr . "Letters of John Richard Green"@fr . . "55"^^ . . "57"^^ . "Life of Henry Fawcett"@fr . . . "Le D\u00E9bat entre Huxley et Wilberforce, appel\u00E9 aussi d\u00E9bat d'Oxford, est une controverse sur l'ouvrage de Charles Darwin, De l'origine des esp\u00E8ces. Elle a eu lieu le 30 juin 1860, deux jours apr\u00E8s le d\u00E9but du d\u00E9bat sur l'hippocampe, \u00E0 la s\u00E9ance annuelle de la British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) \u00E0 Oxford. Elle a consist\u00E9 en une joute verbale entre Thomas Henry Huxley, professeur \u00E0 la Royal School of Mines, et Samuel Wilberforce, \u00E9v\u00EAque d'Oxford, o\u00F9 Wilberforce demanda si Huxley pr\u00E9f\u00E9rait descendre des singes du c\u00F4t\u00E9 paternel ou maternel. Huxley est cens\u00E9 avoir r\u00E9pondu en substance qu'il n'avait pas honte d'avoir un singe comme a\u00EFeul, mais qu'il en aurait eu d'avoir un homme plein d'esprit qui essayait de voiler la v\u00E9rit\u00E9. Le d\u00E9bat et l'\u00E9change de mots entre Huxley et Wilberforce sont rest\u00E9s presque ignor\u00E9s du public contemporain. Ce n'est que quelques d\u00E9cennies plus tard que Francis Darwin et ont substantiellement \u00E9toff\u00E9 l'incident. Leonard Huxley a stylis\u00E9 l'incident comme une joute oratoire publique entre sciences naturelles et religion. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 transmis couramment jusqu'\u00E0 maintenant sous cette forme caricaturale. Des analyses sur le plan de l'histoire des sciences n'ont pas pu clarifier de fa\u00E7on concluante si cet \u00E9change a eu r\u00E9ellement lieu, ni sous quelle forme."@fr . "2"^^ . . "Anonym"@fr . "61"^^ . . "Oxford"@fr . "1"^^ . "285"^^ . "Balfour"@fr . . "Life of the Right Reverend Samuel Wilberforce : With Selections from his Diaries and Correspondence"@fr . . "Edward Bagnall"@fr . . "J. Murray"@fr . "3"^^ . "Tuckwell"@fr . "http://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/darwinletters/calendar/entry-2852.html|titre=Lettre \u00E0 C. R. Darwin du 2/7/1860"@fr . "The Darwin Correspondence Project"@fr . "5"^^ . "John Eyton Bickersteth"@fr . "8"^^ . "--06-30"^^ . "--06-30"^^ . "13"^^ . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin du 27/6/1891"@fr . "Ann Loades"@fr . "John Hooker"@fr . "The Times"@fr . "21"^^ . "10.1017"^^ . "22"^^ . "Sheridan Gilley"@fr . "William Turner"@fr . "Early days of Darwinism"@fr . "302"^^ . "303"^^ . "Life & Letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker"@fr . . "304"^^ . "Henry Fawcett"@fr . "313"^^ . "1706"^^ . "A Popular Exposition of Mr. Darwin on the Origin of Species"@fr . "D. J. Foskett"@fr . "1707"^^ . . "Lyell"@fr . "468"^^ . "Tylor"@fr . . "Darwinian Controversies: An Historiographical Recounting"@fr . . "The Guardian"@fr . "Oxford Chronicle"@fr . . . . "The Literary Gazette. A weekly journal of literature, science, and the fine arts"@fr . "Sheridan"@fr . . . "Life of Alfred Newton"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin du 21/11/1886"@fr . "450"^^ . "1860-07-03"^^ . "Letters of John Richard Green"@fr . "920"^^ . "James"@fr . "Edmund R. Leach"@fr . "Leslie Stephen"@fr . "10.1038"^^ . "La Foire aux dinosaures"@fr . "10.3366"^^ . . "University of Toronto Press"@fr . "transcript Verlag"@fr . . "Londres"@fr . "Illustrated London News"@fr . . "2014-06-09"^^ . . . "Hesketh"@fr . . "Lettre \u00E0 James David Forbes du 5/7/1860"@fr . "Alexander Frederick Richard Wollaston"@fr . "Thomas Henry Huxley: Communicating for Science"@fr . . "Julius Victor"@fr . "ida5"@fr . "The Journal of Religion"@fr . "Falconer"@fr . . . "78"^^ . "Bodleian MS Wilberforce dep. e.327."@fr . "Lettre du 6/7/1860 \u00E0 sa famille"@fr . "480"^^ . "Knight takes Bishop? The Facts about the Great Wilberforce-Huxley Debate Don't Always Fit the Legend"@fr . "William Henry"@fr . "88"^^ . . "David M. Knight, Matthew Eddy"@fr . "Le D\u00E9bat entre Huxley et Wilberforce, appel\u00E9 aussi d\u00E9bat d'Oxford, est une controverse sur l'ouvrage de Charles Darwin, De l'origine des esp\u00E8ces. Elle a eu lieu le 30 juin 1860, deux jours apr\u00E8s le d\u00E9but du d\u00E9bat sur l'hippocampe, \u00E0 la s\u00E9ance annuelle de la British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) \u00E0 Oxford. Elle a consist\u00E9 en une joute verbale entre Thomas Henry Huxley, professeur \u00E0 la Royal School of Mines, et Samuel Wilberforce, \u00E9v\u00EAque d'Oxford, o\u00F9 Wilberforce demanda si Huxley pr\u00E9f\u00E9rait descendre des singes du c\u00F4t\u00E9 paternel ou maternel. Huxley est cens\u00E9 avoir r\u00E9pondu en substance qu'il n'avait pas honte d'avoir un singe comme a\u00EFeul, mais qu'il en aurait eu d'avoir un homme plein d'esprit qui essayait de voiler la v\u00E9rit\u00E9."@fr . "95"^^ . "The Athen\u00E6um"@fr . "Isabel Sidgwick"@fr . . "Thomas Henry"@fr . . . "Janet Browne"@fr . . "Hugh"@fr . . "Caudill"@fr . "Stoney"@fr . "Mayor"@fr . "Wilberforce"@fr . "Wilberforce no Ape"@fr . "Paris"@fr . . . "Green"@fr . . "John"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin env. 21/11/1886"@fr . "Note du 1/7/1860, journal intime"@fr . "John Richard"@fr . "The Legends and Misuses of a Theory"@fr . . "2"^^ . "Katherine Murray Lyell"@fr . "Cambridge"@fr . "John Vernon Jensen"@fr . "425"^^ . "''"@fr . . "fr"@fr . "Isabel"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin v. 1886"@fr . "Poulton"@fr . . "Huxley-Wilberforce-Debatte"@de . "Library of Congress, Draper papers, Box 45"@fr . "422"^^ . . . "441"^^ . "St. Andrews University, MS JDF 1860/145"@fr . "New York"@fr . "Nature"@fr . "The Huxley-Wilberforce Debate Revisited"@fr . "Macmillan & Bowes"@fr . . "Life of Alfred Newton"@fr . . "\"Ape-Theory\": Huxley contra Wilberforce"@fr . . "Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History"@fr . . "Darwin Correspondence Project"@fr . "Wollaston"@fr . . "Alfred"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 W. Boyd Dawkins du 3/7/1860"@fr . "The Chain of Reason versus the Chain of Thumbs"@fr . "Points."@fr . "Francis Darwin"@fr . . . "Samuel"@fr . "Life of Sir Charles Lyell"@fr . . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin du 18/5/1895"@fr . . . . "Religion and Humanism''. Studies in Church History"@fr . . "Jackson\u2019s Oxford Journal"@fr . "XX, XXXI"@fr . "A Grandmother\u2019s Tales"@fr . "Reginald Garton"@fr . "III\u2013XIV, XI\u2013XII"@fr . "Thomas Gondermann"@fr . . "10.1511"^^ . "Duff"@fr . "10.1007"^^ . "593"^^ . "idb1"@fr . . "Sans titre"@fr . . "Seuil"@fr . . "Atlay"@fr . "London/New York"@fr . "Alfred Newton"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 Leonard Huxley du 9/7/1899"@fr . "Norton"@fr . . "Edward Burnett"@fr . "de"@fr . . "Lettre \u00E0 Charles Darwin du 9/7/1860"@fr . "The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin"@fr . "Russell Lant"@fr . . "Farrar"@fr . "The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin"@fr . "Gambit"@fr . "Leonard"@fr . . "Londres/New York"@fr . . "Charles"@fr . "Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant"@fr . . "Stephen Jay Gould"@fr . . . . . "The Times"@fr . "Huxley, Wilberforce and the Oxford Museum"@fr . . . "520"^^ . "Lettre \u00E0 The Times du 28/11/1887"@fr . "Toronto"@fr . "64"^^ . "ida10"@fr . . "Oxford University Herald"@fr . "Lubbock"@fr . . "The Wilberforce-Huxley Debate: Why did it happen?"@fr . "British Journal for the History of Science"@fr . "8040298"^^ . . . "American Scientist"@fr . "64"^^ . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin du 10/3/1887"@fr . "Alexander Frederick Richard"@fr . . . . . . . . "2014-06-10"^^ . . . . . "Science & Christian Belief"@fr . . . . "Debate de Oxford sobre la evoluci\u00F3n (1860)"@es . "nouvelle"@fr . . . "81"^^ . . . . "Reminiscences of Oxford"@fr . "Edward"@fr . . . . "Lettre \u00E0 Joseph Henry de juillet 1860"@fr . . . "John Bull"@fr . . . "99"^^ . "ida8"@fr . "100"^^ . . . . "Smith, Elder & Co."@fr . "1909"^^ . "Lettre \u00E0 Bunbury du 4/7/1860"@fr . . "190221287"^^ . "en"@fr . . "Nathan Reingold"@fr . . "Thomas Henry Huxley"@fr . "1918"^^ . . "Adam Storey"@fr . "Richard W. Wrangham"@fr . . . . . . "1888"^^ . "566"^^ . "118"^^ . "1892"^^ . "127"^^ . "en"@fr . "Associated University Press"@fr . . "1898"^^ . . "293"^^ . . "1896"^^ . "1897"^^ . "David J. Depew"@fr . "Edward Caudill"@fr . "1903"^^ . "Macmillan"@fr . "1900"^^ . . "8"^^ . "1901"^^ . "1860-07-09"^^ . "Of apes and ancestors"@fr . . "2"^^ . "10"^^ . "1880"^^ . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin du 28/7/1888"@fr . "3"^^ . "1881"^^ . "Clarendon Press"@fr . "1887"^^ . "1884"^^ . "1885"^^ . "John Murray"@fr . "St Andrews University, MS JDF 1860/133."@fr . . "21"^^ . . "Thomas Henry Huxley: The War Between Science and Religion"@fr . "1860"^^ . "16"^^ . "Russell Lant Carpenter"@fr . . . . "18"^^ . . "19"^^ . . . "30"^^ . "Philip Pearsall"@fr . . "William"@fr . "Bishop Wilberforce: Natural Selection and the Descent of Man"@fr . "The Bishop-Eaters: the publicity campaign for Darwin and On the Origin of Species"@fr . "193"^^ . "Munby: Man of Two Worlds"@fr . "36"^^ . "1972"^^ . "Fremantle"@fr . "George Johnstone"@fr . "40"^^ . "1978"^^ . "1979"^^ . "42"^^ . . "Kegan Paul & Co."@fr . "Memoirs of the Life and Work of Philip Pearsall Carpenter"@fr . . "Sir Henry Wentworth Acland, regius professor of medicine in the University of Oxford. A memoir"@fr . "1980"^^ . "1981"^^ . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin, env. 1888"@fr . "50"^^ . "Benjamin"@fr . "1953"^^ . "287"^^ . "''"@fr . "Joseph Dalton"@fr . . . "Bodleian MS Wilberforce d.29, f.30-31"@fr . "James Bryce"@fr . "Cams"@fr . . . "Ian"@fr . . . "Life of Dr. Rolleston"@fr . . "Scientific Papers and Addresses by George Rolleston"@fr . "The Huxley-Wilberforce Debate: A Reconstruction"@fr . "\u0645\u0646\u0627\u0638\u0631\u0629 \u0623\u0643\u0633\u0641\u0648\u0631\u062F \u062D\u0648\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0637\u0648\u0631 1860"@ar . . . "1964"^^ . "Notes from a Diary, 1851\u20131872"@fr . "63"^^ . . . "Macmillan\u2019s Magazine"@fr . . "Anonyme"@fr . . "197"^^ . "192"^^ . . "Francis"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 sa famille du 3/7/1860"@fr . "C. Kegan Paul & Co."@fr . "Evolution und Rasse: Theoretischer und institutioneller Wandel in der viktorianischen Anthropologie"@fr . . "656"^^ . . . . . "662"^^ . "Soapy Sams Logic. A True Scoundrel but with Redeeming Value"@fr . "2"^^ . "Science & Education"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 Francis Darwin du 2/1/1896"@fr . "1921"^^ . "7"^^ . "9"^^ . "The Press"@fr . "10"^^ . "210"^^ . "11"^^ . . "12"^^ . "Newton"@fr . . "Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences"@fr . . . "idb6"@fr . "3"^^ . . "J. H. Brooke"@fr . "Huxley"@fr . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . . . "236"^^ . "Lettre \u00E0 Leonard Huxley, fin ann\u00E9es 1890"@fr . . . "Derek Hudson"@fr . "The Inquirer"@fr . "238"^^ . . . "The Evening Star"@fr . "240"^^ . . "Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley"@fr . . "Mrs Lyell"@fr . "Darwin"@fr . . "243"^^ . "Draper"@fr . . "Sidgwick"@fr . "Springer"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 Edward Newton du 25/7/1860"@fr . "245"^^ . "241"^^ . "Men, bishops and apes"@fr . "Et"@fr . "An \"Open Clash between Science and the Church\"? : Wilberforce, Huxley and Hooker on Darwin at the British Association, Oxford, 1860"@fr . "Library of Congress, Draper papers, Box 44."@fr . "172"^^ . "2000"^^ . . "Note du 4/7/1860, journal intime"@fr . "978"^^ . "2001"^^ . "2007"^^ . "18"^^ . "2005"^^ . "29"^^ . "Cambridge University Press"@fr . . "Lettre \u00E0 Frederic Daniel Dyster du 9/9/1860"@fr . "139"^^ . "2009"^^ . "10.1086"^^ . . "Frank A. J. L."@fr . "Peirce"@fr . "Antonia"@fr . "4"^^ . "1986"^^ . . "ida3"@fr . "7"^^ . "1"^^ . "Lettre du 4/7/1860 \u00E0 Charles Bunbury"@fr . "1991"^^ . "Personal Reminiscences of Charles Darwin and of the Reception of the \u00AB Origin of Species \u00BB"@fr . "2"^^ . "1988"^^ . "Munby"@fr . "5593"^^ . "Joseph L. Altholz"@fr . "James Beresford"@fr . "153"^^ . "1994"^^ . "14"^^ . "144"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "Macmillan & Co."@fr . "9"^^ . . "2"^^ . . "1997"^^ . "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society"@fr . . "Keith Robbins"@fr . "Journal of the History of Ideas"@fr . . . "161"^^ . "Notes from a Diary, 1851\u20131872"@fr . "171"^^ . "Debate with Bishop Wilberforce, 1860"@fr . "Stephen"@fr . "John William"@fr . "Blackwell"@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 Leonard Huxley du 12/7/1899"@fr . "Return to the Wilberforce-Huxley debate"@fr . "179"^^ . "Charles Darwin and the theory of natural selection"@fr . . "182"^^ . "Wilberforce and Huxley: A Legendary Encounter"@fr . "Hooker"@fr . "185"^^ . "Arthur J."@fr . "Lettre \u00E0 Charles Anderson du 3/7/1860"@fr . . . "320"^^ . "Whewell"@fr . "321"^^ . . "322"^^ . "John Randolph Lucas"@fr . "Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff"@fr . "325"^^ . "Life & Letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker"@fr . "Augustus George Vernon"@fr . "Keith S. Thomson"@fr . "Hamshire/Burlington"@fr . . "65296"^^ . "323"^^ . "334"^^ . "evolution, Christianity, and the Oxford debate"@fr . "The Charles Darwin-Joseph Hooker correspondence: an analysis of manuscript resources and their use in biography"@fr . . "Science and Beliefs. From Natural Philosophy to Natural Science, 1700\u20131900"@fr . "Harcourt"@fr . "Darwinian Myths"@fr . . . "Chiefly Derived from His Letters"@fr . "351"^^ . "http://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/british-association-meeting-1860|titre=British Association meeting 1860"@fr . "812"^^ . "University of Tennessee Press"@fr . .