UtopiaThe Ring of CharonRogue PowersAssaut sur SeloniaL'Homme modulaireIsaac Asimov's CalibanOrphan of CreationThe Shores of TomorrowFarside CannonThe Shattered SphereThe Cause of DeathThe War MachineSupernovaThe Torch of HonorThe Modular ManLe Robot CalibanBras de fer sur CenterpointAssault at SeloniaIsaac Asimov's UtopiaAmbush at CorelliaDeath SentenceShowdown at CenterpointThe Ocean of YearsTraquenard sur CorelliaFinal InquiriesThe Game of WorldsInfernoThe Depths of TimeIsaac Asimov's Inferno
J'ai luPocket,
Le roman comprend un essai d'Isaac Asimovintitulé Robot intelligents et Organismes cybernétiques (Intelligent Robots and Cybernetic Organisms)Réédition,Fleuve noir,,1999